
Pharmann is a pharmaceutical company specializing in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In developing their products, Pharmann uses the latest developments in biotechnology, innovative peptide technologies and modern skin penetration systems (liposomes).

They developed three different lines, each with a different purpose. All three of these ranges are available at Skincenters. 

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Pharmann has 3 different lines of products:

Aftercare for laser treatments

This line was developed to be used as an aftercare for various laser treatments. At Skincenters the best known product of this line is the Laserat cream. Especially for after e.g. tattoo removal.

Skin Improvement

Lamelat features a technologically advanced formula. This range minimizes discoloration and age spots. It promotes collagen and elastin production and also increases skin radiance.


The action of unique peptides delays the aging process and protects the skin from external harmful influences. The formula works effectively against deep and shallow wrinkles.